With Visual voicemail, your messages are literally at your finger tips. You listen and manage your messages by selecting them directly on your phone screen, without having to “call” your voicemail. Is my plan ready? Your mobile plan must include the Voicemail option, as well as data. Visual voicemail is now the basic voicemail for our mobile plans. So whatever name you see, Voicemail or Visual voicemail, know that we're referring to the same thing, Visual voicemail. How to add the Voicemail option to my mobile plan How to configure my phone. Once your plan is ready with the Visual Voicemail option and data, you’ll have to configure your phone. Android members, it’s all in the app. Download and install the app Fizz | Visual voicemail on your phone. The activation steps are simple, and you will have a few permissions to give like allowing texts and the synchronization of your contacts. These permissions are necessary if you want to take full advantage of the Visual voicemail features. Download the app on Google Play Apple members, it’s all in the iOS. Update yours if need be, and then follow these steps: Go to the Phone app Tap the Voicemail tab Is my plan ready? With Fizz, the Voicemail option includes Visual voicemail, meaning you get a supercharged voicemail for the same price. To enjoy it, your mobile plan must include the Voicemail option and data. Change my plan Not a Fizz member yet? Try us, you won’t regret it. Our plans are flexible and we don’t do fixed-term contracts. See the mobile plans How to use Visual voicemail. This is where the fun starts: Visual voicemail works with an intuitive visual interface. Honestly, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Your messages will be there, on your phone screen