Bonjour,Quelqu’un semble avoir modifié (piraté) mon mot de passe WiFi. Je souhaiterais réinitialiser les paramètres usine de mon modem. Je n’ai pas ré...
I was issued Ticket , for more than 50% partner usage. we have low home network data usage because we use wifi but need partner on weekends occasional...
Even after power on and off, for many minutes, the wifi signal is no longer there. Actually my main issue is how or where to get support other then in...
In some places WiFi is realy poor and I can not move my router. Is there some settings I could change to fix that issue?
I would like to know if I can exchange Fizz's old model wifi 5 router to new one with WiFi6 capacity. Or I have to buy my own router thank you ?...