How do I activate my Fizz Forum account?
Follow these simple steps to start participating and helping others in the Fizz Forum:
Already a Fizz member?
If you already have an active Fizz account and you’re currently logged in, your Forum account is already activated.
You’re not a Fizz member?
To begin participating in the Forum, Create a Fizz account
Note: Even if you don’t have a Forum account, you can still browse and search info. But to post, answer questions or participate in the My Rewards program, you need an active Fizz account, which in turn will also give you a Community Hub account.
Read more :
- How do I post a question on the Fizz Forum?
- How to enable and disable your Fizz Forum private messages?
- How do I earn points and badges on the Fizz Forum?
- How do I log into my Fizz Forum account?
- I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
- How does the Fizz Forum work?
- What’s my role in the Fizz Forum?
- How does the search functionality work?